Amiga Plus 2002 #11
Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso
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Text File
330 lines
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" AmigaGuide Class implements the Amigatalk interface to amigaguide.library "
" This Class is only one step removed from primitives, so use it to derive "
" a Class that is really Object-Oriented! "
" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class AmigaGuide :Object ! private private2 private3 !
addAmigaGuideHost: hostNameString hook: hookObj tags: tagArray
" Returns nil if unable to add the AmigaGuide Host named: "
private2 <- <primitive 209 2 2 hookObj hostNameString tagArray>
removeAmigaGuideHost: tagArray " tagArray should be nil for now. "
(private2 isNotNil)
ifTrue: [^ <primitive 209 2 3 private2 tagArray>]
^ <primitive 209 2 4 private>
<primitive 209 2 0 private>.
^ private <- nil
getAmigaGuideAttribute: attrTag into: storageObj
" For attrTag, see AGuideTags Class below "
^ <primitive 209 2 5 attrTag private storageObj>
" Returns nil if there was no message: "
^ <primitive 209 2 6 private>
getAGMsgType: aGuideMsgObj
" aGuideMsgObj is from getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
^ <primitive 209 2 31 aGuideMsgObj>
getAGMsgData: aGuideMsgObj
" aGuideMsgObj is from getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
^ <primitive 209 2 32 aGuideMsgObj>
getAGMsgDataType: aGuideMsgObj
" aGuideMsgObj is from getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
^ <primitive 209 2 33 aGuideMsgObj>
getAGMsgDataSize: aGuideMsgObj
" aGuideMsgObj is from getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
^ <primitive 209 2 34 aGuideMsgObj>
getAGMsgReturnPrimaryValue: aGuideMsgObj
" aGuideMsgObj is from getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
^ <primitive 209 2 35 aGuideMsgObj>
getAGMsgReturnSecondaryValue: aGuideMsgObj
" aGuideMsgObj is from getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
^ <primitive 209 2 36 aGuideMsgObj>
getAmigaGuideString: stringIDNumber
" Returns a String Object or nil: "
^ <primitive 209 2 7 stringIDNumber>
lockAmigaGuideBase " You DO NOT need to use this method!! "
" Returns a key for unlockAmigaGuideBase: "
^ <primitive 209 2 8 private>
unlockAmigaGuideBase: keyFromLockMethod " You DO NOT need to use this method!! "
<primitive 209 2 9 keyFromLockMethod>
openAmigaGuide: tagArray
" For valid tags, see AGuideTags Class below "
^ private <- <primitive 209 2 1 private3 tagArray>
openAmigaGuideASync: tagArray
" For valid tags, see AGuideTags Class below "
^ private <- <primitive 209 2 10 private3 tagArray>
replyAmigaGuideMsg: amigaGuideMsgObj
" Reply to the msg Object obtained from the getAmigaGuideMsg method: "
<primitive 209 2 11 amigaGuideMsgObj>
sendAmigaGuideCommand: commandString tags: tagArray " tagArray should be nil for now. "
" The following are the currently valid action commands:
* ALINK <name> - Load the named node into a new window.
* LINK <name> - Load the named node.
* RX <macro> - Execute an ARexx macro.
* RXS <cmd> - Execute an ARexx string file. To display a picture,
* use 'ADDRESS COMMAND DISPLAY <picture name>', to
* display a text file 'ADDRESS COMMAND MORE <doc>'.
* CLOSE - Close the window (should only be used on windows
* that were started with ALINK).
* QUIT - Shutdown the current database.
* This method returns true if the message was sent:
^ <primitive 209 2 12 private commandString tagArray>
sendAmigaGuideContext: tagArray " tagArray should be nil for now. "
^ <primitive 209 2 13 private tagArray>
setAmigaGuideAttributes: tagArray
" For valid tags, see AGuideTags Class below "
^ <primitive 209 2 14 private tagArray>
setAmigaGuideContext: idNumber tags: tagArray " tagArray should be nil for now. "
^ <primitive 209 2 15 private idNumber tagArray>
loadCrossReferencesFrom: fileName in: directoryLock
" Returns an integer with the following meanings:
* -1 - indicates that the load was aborted by CTRL-C from the User.
* 0 - indicates failure to load.
* 1 - indicates a successful load.
* 2 - indicates that the table is already loaded.
^ <primitive 209 2 18 directoryLock fileName>
expungeCrossReferences " Unload the cross-reference table from memory. "
<primitive 209 2 19>
^ private3 <- <primitive 209 0 1 250> " STRUCT_NewAmigaGuide = 250 "
<primitive 209 0 2 private3>.
^ private3 <- nil
setNAGDirectoryLock: directoryLock
<primitive 209 2 20 private3 directoryLock>
setNAGName: databaseName
<primitive 209 2 21 private3 databaseName>
setNAGScreen: screenObject
<primitive 209 2 22 private3 screenObject>
setNAGPulicScreen: publicScreenName
<primitive 209 2 23 private3 publicScreenName>
setNAGARexxClientPort: clientPortName
<primitive 209 2 24 private3 clientPortName>
setNAGFlags: newFlags
" Valid values for newFlags is any of the following:
* This flag only applies to an ansynchronous open.
* Force the index of the database to always be
* loaded. The AmigaGuide system maintains two date
* stamps, one for the last time that the database was
* opened and the other for the last time that the
* database was accessed by the user. The hyper system
* makes several calculations based on the current
* date stamp and the other two date stamps to
* determine what portions of the database need to be pre-cached.
* Load the entire database, and all its nodes into memory.
* Don't flush a node from memory after the user is finished viewing it.
* Don't remove buffers when closed. This will cause
* the buffers to remain until the library is expunged.
<primitive 209 2 25 private3 newFlags>
setNAGContextStrings: nodeStringsArray " Last element of Array MUST be nil! "
<primitive 209 2 26 private3 nodeStringsArray>
" Use this after all 'setNAGContextStrings:' have been done (unless
* you have memory to burn!)
<primitive 209 2 30 private3>
setNAGStartNode: nodeName
<primitive 209 2 27 private3 nodeName>
setNAGStartLine: lineNumber
<primitive 209 2 28 private3 lineNumber>
setNAGTags: tagArray
" For valid tags, see AGuideTags Class below "
<primitive 209 2 29 private3 tagArray>
setNAGBaseName: appBaseName " appBaseName can be nil "
<primitive 209 2 37 appBaseName>
" ------------------------------------------------------------------- "
" AGuideTags Class is a Singleton class that allows the user to "
" reference special AmigaGuide Flags & Tags as #Symbols. "
" ALL singleton classes MUST contain the following: "
" the methods: isSingleton AND privateSetup AND "
" uniqueInstance Class instance variable. "
" ------------------------------------------------------------------- "
Class AGuideTags :Dictionary ! uniqueInstance !
^ true
privateNew ! newinstance !
newinstance <- super new.
^ newinstance
^ self privateSetup
self at: #StartupMsgID put: 16r11001. " Startup message "
self at: #LoginToolID put: 16r11002. " Login a tool SIPC port "
self at: #LogoutToolID put: 16r11003. " Logout a tool SIPC port "
self at: #ShutdownMsgID put: 16r11004. " Shutdown message "
self at: #ActivateToolID put: 16r11005. " Activate tool "
self at: #DeactivateToolID put: 16r11006. " Deactivate tool "
self at: #ActiveToolID put: 16r11007. " Tool Active "
self at: #InactiveToolID put: 16r11008. " Tool Inactive "
self at: #ToolStatusID put: 16r11009. " Status message "
self at: #ToolCmdID put: 16r1100A. " Tool command message "
self at: #ToolCmdReplyID put: 16r1100B. " Reply to tool command "
self at: #ShutdownToolID put: 16r1100C. " Shutdown tool "
" Attributes accepted by getAmigaGuideAttribute:into: "
self at: #AGA_Path put: 16r80000001.
self at: #AGA_XRefList put: 16r80000002.
self at: #AGA_Activate put: 16r80000003.
self at: #AGA_Context put: 16r80000004.
self at: #AGA_HelpGroup put: 16r80000005. " Unique Integer identifier "
self at: #AGA_Reserved1 put: 16r80000006.
self at: #AGA_Reserved2 put: 16r80000007.
self at: #AGA_Reserved3 put: 16r80000008.
" msgPortObject that is an ARexx message port: "
self at: #AGA_ARexxPort put: 16r80000009.
" String used to specify the ARexx port name (not copied): "
self at: #AGA_ARexxPortName put: 16r8000000A.
self at: #AGA_Secure put: 16r8000000B.
" public Client flags (For setNAGFlags: method): "
self at: #HTF_LOAD_INDEX put: 1. " Force load the index at init time "
self at: #HTF_LOAD_ALL put: 2. " Force load the entire database at init "
self at: #HTF_CACHE_NODE put: 4. " Cache each node as visited "
self at: #HTF_CACHE_DB put: 8. " Keep the buffers around until expunge "
self at: #HTF_UNIQUE put: 16r8000. " Unique ARexx port name "
self at: #HTF_NOACTIVATE put: 16r10000. " Don't activate window "
self at: #HTFC_SYSGADS put: 16r80000000.
" Callback function ID's "
self at: #HTH_OPEN put: 0.
self at: #HTH_CLOSE put: 1.
" Error message numbers: "
self at: #HTERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY put: 100.
self at: #HTERR_CANT_OPEN_DATABASE put: 101.
self at: #HTERR_CANT_FIND_NODE put: 102.
self at: #HTERR_CANT_OPEN_NODE put: 103.
self at: #HTERR_CANT_OPEN_WINDOW put: 104.
self at: #HTERR_INVALID_COMMAND put: 105.
self at: #HTERR_CANT_COMPLETE put: 106.
self at: #HTERR_PORT_CLOSED put: 107.
self at: #HTERR_CANT_CREATE_PORT put: 108.
self at: #HTERR_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND put: 113.
" Methods "
self at: #HM_FINDNODE put: 1. " opFindHost "
self at: #HM_OPENNODE put: 2. " opNodeIO "
self at: #HM_CLOSENODE put: 3. " opNodeIO "
self at: #HM_EXPUNGE put: 10. " Expunge DataBase (opExpungeNode) "
" onm_Flags (opNodeIO) "
self at: #HTNF_KEEP put: 1. " Don't flush this node until database is closed "
self at: #HTNF_RESERVED1 put: 2. " Reserved for system use "
self at: #HTNF_RESERVED2 put: 4. " Reserved for system use "
self at: #HTNF_ASCII put: 8. " Node is straight ASCII "
self at: #HTNF_RESERVED3 put: 16. " Reserved for system use "
self at: #HTNF_CLEAN put: 32. " Remove the node from the database "
self at: #HTNF_DONE put: 64. " Done with node "
" onm_Attrs (opNodeIO) "
self at: #HTNA_Screen put: 16r80000001. " screenObject that window resides in "
self at: #HTNA_Pens put: 16r80000002. " Pen array (from DrawInfo) "
self at: #HTNA_Rectangle put: 16r80000003. " Window box "
self at: #HTNA_HelpGroup put: 16r80000005. " unique Integer identifier "
" Types of cross reference nodes "
self at: #XR_GENERIC put: 0.
self at: #XR_FUNCTION put: 1.
self at: #XR_COMMAND put: 2.
self at: #XR_INCLUDE put: 3.
self at: #XR_MACRO put: 4.
self at: #XR_STRUCT put: 5.
self at: #XR_FIELD put: 6.
self at: #XR_TYPEDEF put: 7.
self at: #XR_DEFINE put: 8.
(uniqueInstance isNil)
ifTrue: [uniqueInstance <- self privateNew.
self privateInitializeDictionary
^ self "or ^ uniqueInstance??"